Clayton County recently issued the following announcement.
Effective Immediately- until further notice: Due to COVID-19 and public health concerns, all Clayton County offices listed below are closed to the public. It is our intent to continue essential public services. Appointments are required. Law Enforcement Center and services will continue with extra protocols in place. Essential court proceedings are still taking place. The Clayton County Board of Supervisors recommend suspending all public gatherings at this time. If you have questions, you may contact the corresponding offices.
Auditor’s Office: 563.245.1106 (Suspending Passport services)
Treasurer’s Office: 563.245.1807 (Suspending Driver’s License services)
Driver’s License 563.245.3200
Recorder’s Office: 563.245.2710
(Please use the US Postal Service for Vital Records: Birth, Death, Marriage. Use mail service or E-submit for Real Estate.)
Assessor’s Office: 563.245.2533
Clerk of Court: 563.245.2204
Law Enforcement Center: 563.245.2422 (Suspending fingerprinting, inmate visitation, Work Release, and Gun Permits.)
Secondary Roads: 563.245.1782 (Garbage Service will remain open)
General Assistance: 563.245.1865
Veteran’s Services: 563.245.1865
Visiting Nurses & Public Health: 563.245.1145
Unity Point at Home: 563.245.2064
Community Action: 563.245.2452
Substance Abuse: 563.245.1546
Emergency Management: 563.245.3004
Environmental Health & Zoning: 563.245.2451 (Suspending private well testing, septic and well permitting emergency situations only. The board of adjustment meeting for March 17 is canceled.)
Board of Supervisors 563.245.2166
Osborne Nature Center: 563.245.1516 (All Conservation programs and events cancelled until advertised otherwise)
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